

stranger things

Martin Brenner will play a very important role in the new episodes of the Duffer brothers’ fiction. We tell you who is the actor who plays him and the theories that circulate regarding his role in the new installment.

We are still getting together from the latest preview they gave us of season 4 of ‘Stranger Things’ , because everything is very strong! We were able to see that experiments with children, a plot that has been touched on in previous chapters, will be one of the main stories that will be developed after its premiere. In the same way, we know that Eleven is into the garlic. It turns out that she was not the only minor who has been under the tutelage of Dad and the Hawkings Research Center. But we can’t think of a better plan to kill time until the new episodes arrive than to tell you some interesting details about this character, which will surely be the key to the outcome .

The role of Martin Brenner (AKA Dad) is played by Matthew Modine, a well-known American actor, who participated in such iconic films as ‘The Metal Jacket’ or worked with Mel Gibson and Nicolas Cage. In ‘Stranger Things’, he plays a scientist involved in a CIA-sanctioned project called MKUltra, which is dedicated to developing mind control techniques. Eleven was one of her test subjects, who was abducted from her own mother, a former volunteer of the plan, when she was only a child, as she was born with powers.

It is in this context that the fiction of the Duffer brothers began. Eleven managed to escape the laboratory, letting the Demogorgon, Mind Lasher, and other creatures of the ‘Upside Down’ leave with her. In the new chapters, with Hopper alive but in Russia, Eleven, Joyce, and company starting a new life and Hawkings supposedly quiet, Dad will be the one to reign in the chaos.

Dad in ‘Stranger Things’ season 4

So far, all that is known are fan-created theories and conspiracies, but they make a lot of sense. There are two options regarding the images seen in the second of four previews: either it is a ‘flashback’ of what happened when Eleven was there or that he is kidnapped again and under the orders of Dad.

The first one would be great for us, since we would focus on other equally mysterious plots such as the way in which Hopper is going to return to Hawkings. But let us remember that one of the clues that we have been given over the months was a clock, which let time travel fall .

If not and Eleven is in danger, how have they managed to capture her? The Byers just left the Hawkings to start a new life in peace. Has Dad come back for her? Everything would point to yes since, in addition, we are going to learn more about his personality, his history, the reasons he has for being the villain of the story, and the children who are also part of this experiment, still unknown, except for Kali or Eight.

Via: Cosmopolitan ES

Wrap up

Have you all enjoyed the Stranger Things season 4 mentioned in this article!! On the other hand, your suggestions are always welcomed. Feel free and drop the message and also comment on the comment section on which scene is your favorite. Don’t hesitate to Contact us

Have a good day! See you all soon.

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Written by Shraddha Diwan

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