
50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$: You often find yourself browsing social networks, daydreaming about distant places, inspiring photos, and adventures that will change your life, right? But then you come back to reality, check your bank balance, damn. Traveling on a tight budget is scary for a lot of people, and unfortunately, it can prevent some travelers from seeing this amazing planet.

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Search and book using a private browsing window

Book using a private browser window to save money on travel

Always make sure to clear your browser cookies, and ideally use a private/anonymous window when searching for airline tickets. Sites know your search history and the prices you’ve seen, so to keep things competitive and cheap, do these searches anonymously.

Stay in hostels

Hostels are one of the best ways to travel on a budget

This one is obvious, but it never hurts to remember how low-budget accommodations, such as hostels , can be nicer to your pocket than hotels, resorts and rented houses. In addition to getting lower prices (some hostels can cost a few dollars a night), you’ll immerse yourself in the authentic backpacking atmosphere and have memories to last a lifetime.

Take free lessons – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

Save money while traveling with free classes

Many hostels around the world offer free classes for guests. You can soothe your soul with a little yoga , learn to rock in the kitchen with local cooking classes , take surf lessons , or even exercise your creative side with art classes. With a little research it’s very easy to find the hostels that offer the best free classes for travelers.

Hostels with free food

Look for hostels that offer free food to save money

It may seem obvious, but MANY hostels offer free food. Of course, breakfast is usually already part of the daily rate, but some hostels around the world also offer bread and cookies, barbecues, pizza nights and much more. Stay stocked with free food for your adventures throughout the day. Take a look at the wonderful food that these hostels offer!

To save money, get away from the most common places

Avoid expensive tourist attractions to make your money last longer

Tourist traps can be a total nightmare for your wallet. Of course, these places are popular for some reason. But literally any place in the world you choose to visit is going to have lots of amazing things to see, people to meet and foods to try, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money or waste hours in line. The ome places that were virtually unknown are getting more and more popular among backpackers, while new hidden treasures are appearing.

Value experiences, not material things

Travel on a budget is all about embracing the experiences in life

Travel souvenirs are overrated. Same! Instead of carrying a suitcase full of tourist paraphernalia, why not focus on collecting memories and experiences instead of material things ? This will make your trip much happier, your luggage lighter, and your wallet fuller.

Working in a hostel is a great way to get free accommodation

Work in hostels and save even more money on accommodation. Most hostels need people to help with cleaning and reception, and many offer exchange programs where you work a few hours a day in exchange for free accommodation.

Do you know how much a visa costs?

Look for countries that offer cheap visas

Some countries do not require visas to enter as short-term travelers, and others charge for the privilege of crossing their borders. Know your destinations well, as you can plan trips to places with cheaper visa processes.

book in advance – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

Traveling on a budget means planning ahead to get the best deals

Another very simple thing, but it doesn’t hurt to remember: prices are often higher when the trips are closer. Booking train tickets, hostel accommodation and airline tickets in advance ensures that you won’t need to spend much more for a better room or last-minute tickets on a full flight.

Plan out-of-peak season trips

Planning your trip during off-peak times means more cheap travel

Know the seasonality of your travel destination. What is known as the off-season period in one country may not be in another. Different destinations have different peak tourist seasons, so do your research. With a little planning, you can guarantee that you’ll escape the price hikes and tourist heaps!

Use VPN to find cheaper deals

Prices may vary depending on where the booking is made. Using a VPN plugin in your browser makes it look like you’re searching from another region. It is definitely worth checking the price differences and looking for the best deals.

Bet on loyalty miles

Chances are, at some point, your adventures will take you further than you think. So it’s definitely worth becoming a member of frequent flyer miles and accumulating as many points as you can. Over time, they will really help you get discounts on tickets and upgrades.

Search for prices – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

Another tip so simple and so important! Do not take your credit card on the first airfare or hostel night you come across. Search! Take a look at Skyscanner and the HostelWorld app . Ask backpacker friends for website recommendations. Don’t accept the first offer just to save time!

Take advantage of big sales event promotions

As people load up new TVs and tablets on Black Friday, you can run to airline ticket sites and HostelWorld. Your wallet will thank you!

travel lighter

Save while flying by having only carry-on luggage, avoiding the extra fees for checked bags.

Learn to pack like a minimalist and get more out of your trip!

Rent a bike – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

When you need to go a little further, rent a bike. In addition to being a cheaper means of transport, it will keep you in shape!

Try combinations with different airports

The key is to make the right changes! Of course, a flight to the other side of the world can always seem expensive, but if the round-trip flights leave from different airports or cities, you may be able to save money. In addition, it may happen that other countries and airlines offer discounts for those who stop over in their country of origin. For example, those traveling from New York to London can save if they stop in Iceland (and even take a mini trip within the trip).

be flexible

This must be the most important quality when traveling on a tight budget. Being able to put aside some plans and change things at the last minute can help you take advantage of deals and opportunities that come up on your travels. Don’t get tied to the original plans.

Be strong

No trip is complete without a few minor problems, but if an airline or accommodation gets in the way of your trip in ways that could have been avoided, keep your footing firmly on the ground. Talk politely to the customer service representative to make sure you are rewarded. No more spending for bad services!

Do more and more research

One more logical tip, actually. One of the biggest mistakes the short-lived traveler makes is rushing his plans. It can be tempting, as doing all this research can be tiring, but take the time to read travel blog posts, research prices, talk to other travelers, read reviews of accommodations and attractions, and so on.

Chat with other travelers

Probably the best source of savings is experience, and who better to ask for tips than travelers themselves? Talk to everyone you know who’s backpacked around, read forums and articles from people who’ve gone before. You know, articles like this one?

Start your digital detox – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

Traveling around the world is an amazing time to get away from electronic addictions. You’ll save on batteries, chargers, plug adapters, Wi-Fi chargers, roaming fees, insurance, etc. Life is cheaper when you don’t worry about electronics.

Meet the locals

Learn from our local Australian expert: “Don’t pay $350 for a climb when you can walk the Sydney Harbor Bridge pedestrian area for free. Want the best views of Sydney? The coastal trail from Coogee to Bondi is free, and will take a couple of hours. And how about taking a snack to have a picnic for lunch? Is Surfers Paradise too crowded? Escape the crowds and enjoy the more relaxed vibe of the Southern Gold Coast, without the crowd and high expenses. Give places like Kirra, Burleigh or Coolangatta a try. In addition, for two weeks in January, the Sydney Festival offers over 450 performances and 150 events, with over 1000 artists participating in nearly 50 venues. And most of them are FREE or under $30!!

Shop at local markets

The Temple Bar in Dublin is home to 3 different markets over the weekend. They offer cheaper and more original souvenirs than those found in stores.

Enable notifications

Often, sites like Skyscanner offer the option to set up some alerts to be the first to know about new offers. Other sites such as Travel Pirates and Thrifty Traveler also have good bets. And I always check Fares Error on Twitter. They publish rate errors, so you can book before they’re corrected. You need to buy a ticket and wait for 24 hours before planning your trip. If the airline fixes the error within 24 hours, they can cancel your ticket, but after that you’re ready to board!

be open to new places – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

We all have a long wish list filled with destinations, but don’t get so attached to them! Sometimes, some of the best destinations in the world haven’t entered our radar yet, but they are well worth the trip. And often these destinations will be cheaper too. This year, several places that were off the travel map are emerging as backpacker havens, in part because they’re just not as expensive as more traditional places, but they’re equally amazing. Check out this amazing list of different places to visit in 2018!

Book your flights on Tuesdays

When booking flights, Tuesday is almost always the cheapest day of the week, due to the low demand for flights on that day. If you’re willing and able to book your return flight on a Tuesday, you can save a little more.

take the food with you

Store your pockets for the road! Take food from home, shop in supermarkets (instead of restaurants) and so on. It may not be as glamorous as dining at a fancy bistro, but financially, it will save your liver.

overnight travel

Save with a night’s accommodation and take buses or night trains. Particularly in Europe, you will find that night trains are quite comfortable. And in some countries, like Argentina, bus seats can tilt up to 180°.

Take walking tours – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

Walking tours (or simply: guided tourist walks) is one of the best ways to explore a new city. And usually these tours are free and accompanied by locals who know everything.

Jerusalem is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. Take a walking tour with the people of SANDEMAN Tour Company, at 11:00 and 14:00. Amazing!

Discover street art

I believe that one of the best ways to really get to know a city is to look at street art. You will discover the cultural nuances, colors, themes, styles and stories that make the city what it is. And best of all, it costs nothing!

Visit free galleries and museums

Some cities, like London, are full of free attractions , including art and history collections open to the public. Other cities charge a small fee for admission to museums, but even these places offer days with discounts or free admission. Run to Google to find out!

take a net

In my experience, some crowded hostels will let you hang a hammock (and for a lower fee than dorm beds).

Use the hostel kitchens

Most hostels have kitchens. Eating there can save you a fortune on meals.

Remember what we said about taking food with you? The same applies here! If you have access to a kitchen at the hostel, cooking and sharing meals with other travelers will be waaaay cheaper than a night on the town.

learn to haggle – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

In many cultures, it’s a rule to negotiate a price lower than the original. You may not feel comfortable at first, but that’s normal. Now, know when to stop and pay a fair price.

Focus on lunch

If you decide to eat at more expensive restaurants, do it for lunch instead of dinner. In most places, lunch deals are much cheaper than dinner prices.

Drink local beers and wines

When drinking, ask for local brands of beer or wine. Usually, it’s much cheaper than world-renowned brands.

have a water bottle with you

Help the environment and your pocket at the same time! Having a sturdy bottle of water around will save you that money spent on drinks throughout the day, especially when you’re in places where it’s safer to drink bottled water.

make friends

Share. Even traveling alone, it is possible to share. Often, when a roommate is on his way home, he will offer shampoo, mosquito repellent, and so on. Do the same when it’s your turn, as it’s always nice to get new products to continue the journey.

walk as much as possible

Traveling will turn you into someone who loves to walk. It’s great to cross large fields and roads in motor vehicles, but whenever you can (especially if you’re in a city), stretch your legs and go for it! You’ll burn calories, save a few coins and definitely get to know the corners of the chosen city in much more detail.

learn the language – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

If you can talk in the local language, talk! In some places, like Tenerife and Delhi, stores have local prices and tourist prices. Sometimes, just for speaking the language of the place when entering the store, they charge the lowest price.

Take your student ID

Just like at home, you can find discounts for students in other countries! So if you have an ID card, take it in your purse! It will be surprising how many attractions offer student discounts.

Make an International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

Make the Worldwide Student Card and get thousands of extra discounts in up to 45 different countries. There is also the Youth Card, available for anyone under 30 and no longer a full-time student.

work while traveling

If possible, work! Some countries (such as New Zealand) may issue a working holiday visa, which allows you to get certain types of jobs for a limited time. If your passport offers this possibility, earn money!

Ask for tax return – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

In addition to allowing a period of work while traveling, some countries also offer the possibility of returning taxes paid on these jobs. Each country has a different process, but it’s definitely worth looking for more information.

Choose the best phone plans for you

Plan ahead so you have the best phone service for your traveler. This isn’t always possible, but it’s worth researching. UK 3 Mobile, for example, offers free international roaming in certain countries. Check traveler forums and Facebook pages to find the best telephony possibilities from different countries.

Wi-Fi released, guys!

Mobile internet in some countries can be expensive (and quite slow), so hurry to a cafe or hostel to stay connected for free (look ahead for places that offer free Wi-Fi).

If you’re already researching how to stay connected while traveling, you already know what to expect. Obviously, some countries will have very limited access, while in others, like Japan and the United States, you’ll be fine. Run to these bars!

street food is cheap food

Eating from street stalls and food trucks tends to be the cheapest way to eat on a budget, but there is a lot of unnecessary fear surrounding this habit. But remember that you can literally see the food being prepared, which is much better than hidden food in the kitchen. Look for places that have a constant line and fresh food.

Let each city show its vibe

Can’t pay admission to parties and nightclubs? Grab a beer and enjoy the street musicians. Guaranteed fun into the wee hours!

avoid taxis – 50 Cool Travel Tips for the Broken $$

Always try to use public transport when arriving in a new country, instead of taxis. Usually, using the subway, train or bus services costs a fraction of the cost of a taxi, and it’s a good way to get to know the city as soon as you arrive.

Look for alternative transport

You don’t always need to travel by bus or train. Try local fishing boats, kayaks, skooters, trams, rickshaws, etc. After all, there’s no good reason not to explore a little while getting to know the city, in a way you couldn’t do at home, and usually for lower prices. Does anyone ride a cable car?

Check out the smaller and side streets

When eating out, explore the smaller and side streets around the main avenues. It seems obvious, but if you take the more touristic routes, expect to pay tourist prices. Before choosing your table, ask if there is a different price for those sitting on the terrace or outside.

Pool party

Some luxuries are worth it. For example, even staying in more modest accommodations in Southeast Asia, some 5 Star Resorts allow you to enjoy their pool for free, as long as you eat at the local bar.

Sell what you no longer need

Take a look at recent classifieds and local hostel bulletin boards. You may find it cheaper to buy a used vehicle, and then resell it again.

For example, if you’ve already finished your trip to Australia and need to sell the vehicle you used, head to the backpacker car market, which takes place in the open parking lot at Kings Cross.

Instagram Tips

A less-remembered source of travel tips on a tight budget is Instagram. Searching for hashtags like #budgettravel and following the travelers that inspire you the most can be a big help in your planning.

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Written by Zakariya Daman

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