
INDIA travel tips, The free beginners guide: 201 tips for tourist…

INDIA travel tips as tourism or a beginner, Eat & Drink tips, Scams to avoid tips, Women-specific tips & Everything else you have to know about INDIAN culture…

Many of my friends who visited INDIA to travel got terribly/horribly sick, scammed, and even ripped off. So I compelled to create this post to help people so they will get help for the trip of a lifetime… Travel velocity

Here are 2 famous waterfalls in India…

Tips for eating (food) in India to avoid sickness:

avoid food

1) Eat fresh cook food. This is the best way to avoid getting sick or fever due to parasites or bacteria because Cooking kills everything.

2) Do not eat salads or junk snacks, juices, or something raw. raw food can inevitably be washed with contaminated water which is able to cause you to go running for the bathroom. If you’re a raw foodist, I like to recommend you modify your diet while in India.

3) Eat completely from respectable restaurants that are busy. also strive for the 4 and 5-star hotels if you would like to be sure of surprisingly delicious, safe food.

4) Eating street food in India. never eat street food. Some people brag about however they Ate Indian street food and didn’t get sick however it’s simply not worthwhile. I even had a lover who died from an E. Coli infection due to feeding unsafe Indian street food!

5) Probiotics and charcoal are superb. Probiotics boost the great bacteria in your stomach, improve digestion, and increase natural immunity. they’re a requirement before traveling to India and particularly and especially your travels. Charcoal tablets on the other hand are an improbably effective method of stopping diarrhea and preventing infectious disease. It quickly absorbs the toxins or pathogens that are inflicting the problem. As always, be sure to get a recommendation from your doctor.

6) Avoid too much spicy food, especially chili’s. Some spices are sensible however in my experience chili’s act as a laxative which is perhaps something you don’t wish.

7) Take into account turning into a vegetarian while you’re there. India has all-time low meat consumption rates within the world (see graph below). The meat I’ve seen appearance terribly unsafe, usually hanging within the heat, outdoors with flies buzzing around. In fact, due to Hindu religious reasons, the state of Maharashtra has prohibited beef altogether. If you can, I like to recommend being a while whereas in India to scale back the possibilities of getting serious food poisoning.

Meat Consumption

8) Don’t overeat. it’ll weaken your digestion and immunity that causes you to a straightforward target for bacteria. to assist with my digestion and overall health I also take Organic Amla Berry tablets and another immunity-boosting, ayurvedic herb referred to as Bio-Immune.

9) Eating with hands in india. Use your hands – it’s fun! Your hands are often the cleanest implement since you know wherever they’ve been and the joy of mistreatment your hands is well worth trying. Although, keep in mind to use hand sanitizer!

10) Local’s restaurants provide all-you-can-eat meals for $1! Be cautious of hygiene and only head to the best, busy restaurants you’ll be able to find. Get advice from the locals.

11) Family home feeding could be a pleasure however take precautions. I’ve had the best food of my life in people’s homes. Again, it’s important to be cautious and don’t drink tap water, only have roast food. also don’t eat too quickly because they’ll keep piling the food on your plate and expect you to eat it and even force-feed you if you’re not careful.

12) Most of the restaurants overwhelm their dishes with burning hot spices and oil. So if you do not want flaming hot food, insist say: No hot spicing or you can say Garam masala nahin or it is better to give a Jain Vegetarian food so it is less spicy and more refined. – Doug Rexford

How to deal with water ?

water supply

13) Only drink bottled water because tap water is contaminated with pollutants and amoebas. I recommend’s are Aquafina, Bisleri & Kinley.

14) Stay well hydrated. India’s weather is hot & dry so at least drink 2 liters per day to stay strong and healthy.

15) If you are trekking you can bring a water filter. SOmetime’s you won’t get a water bottle so you will need a Katadyn Pocket Water Filter or at lease lifestraw so that you can get safe water from flowing rivers. Boil it as well if possible and you can also use lodine tablets to be extra safe.

16) Coconut water is amazing. Fresh coconuts are extremely good at hydrating you and boosting you and making an upset stomach happy. Don’t drink coconut water unless you’re satisfied with the cleanliness of both knife and straw.

17) Tea (Chai) is good in the early morning. Chai is good for digestion because it has added cardamon and ginger. It should be safe to drink as long as you see them boiling it (fresh tea not a stale tea) and get sure that the cup of tea is clean. the price will be 10 and in the hotel, you will get in 25 maximum.

18) Coca-cola can be a godsend. There is popular folklore that Coke kills aids and bacteria a disturbed stomach. This may not be true but it sure to have a cold coke on hot weather but don’t drink too much because it will be harmful.

19) If you get dysentery, electrolytes are a must for staying hydrated and it is better to bring one box from home other they can be low quality and taste a bit nasty if you will buy in India.

20) Avoid ice. Ice is most likely created from a worst quality water source so I advise you not to have any drink with ice in it. If the drink such a Coca-Cola or Thumps up has been chilled, that is of course fine.

21) Don’t brush your teeth with tap water but Brush your teeth with bottled water. This is because your gums can be a direct path to the bloodstream therefore it is easy for infection to get in.

22) Shower with care. Do not open your eyes or mouth in the shower because water getting in any unwanted orifice so be careful.

23) you can bathe in the holy river at your own risk. Taking a dip in Ganga’s can be magical (people say) but it is better to close your mouth and eyes also block your nose ears and nose to avoid much water in the wrong hole.

24) Definitely don’t ever drink tap water because generally avoid ice cubes also whatever you drink. You don’t need to believe what bottled water says coz mostly it is fake in India so it is better to buy from reliable places like hotels or grocery stores but also be careful it’s the expiry date.- Matt Pelletier

How to not get Ripped off or scammed ?

scammed and ripped-off

25) For your information, you must know that if someone will “gift” you can quickly turn into a sale so no matter what the gift is. Just to be sure that it is a gift before accepting it or you can be quickly hit with a bill.

26) Every shop-keepers will try to rip you off / scam you. So it is better yo ask the price first and fixed the rate. It is better to make a local area friend or you’ll need to quickly learn how to bargain like an Indian.

27) Don’t give money to beggars because this can attract an army of beggars after you.

28) auto rickshaw rip you off. Be wary of all drivers especially a Taxi and an auto-rickshaw. Drivers in India are renowned for their tricks and dishonesty to try to make more money from you. For example, they may take you to the wrong hotel or with a long route or quote you a price that is five times the fair rate.

29) Learn to avoid fake information offices. Way to know is that everything looks dodgy, there are no computers (or not many), no proper desks and they will tell you that all hotels or trains are fully booked out due to some “event” because this can be a front for the mafia so be careful and make sure it’s legit before following directions from them.

30) Beggars want milk and Children may want pens. In both cases, absolutely they often have an arrangement with a shop-keeper to return the item for cash after you leave.

31) Gemstone scams and Trinkets. Any tourist location there are gemstones for sale or to be people touting trinkets. Unless you’re buying something as a souvenir don’t entertain their hype and always bargain them way down as much as possible. The “gemstones” would not have real value and can be a popular scam for unsuspecting tourists.

32) Be careful and watch out for people tampering with food or drink. check beverage bottle caps to make sure it hasn’t been tampered with and don’t accept food from strangers.

33) Be careful when exchanging money that nobody’s around you and ATMs are the safest way to get cash because the machine won’t scam you but be careful.

34) Always count your change carefully! No matter who you are dealing with a shop-keeper or a driver, always watch out for “miscalculations”. Use a calculator on your phone or buy a new one to help deter them from trying to scam you. This is especially important around large financial transactions so keep this in mind.

35) Always keep away from the mafia. If something is fishy then it probably is a scam or trap (mostly organized by the mafia). Do your research and have your witness about you especially around rickshaw stand or at train stations, popular tourist attractions. (e.g cheap hotels and Taj Mahal).

36) Try to get experience with true local pricing. You will need to know what the locals would pay for the same product or service and then you’ll know how low(cheap) the shop-keeper, hotel or driver, etc is willing to go. An Indian friend or guide can help you with this.

37) SIM cards for your cell phone might not work. It can be difficult to get a SIM card in India and usually involves a lot of paperwork. If you don’t fill out the paperwork correctly there is a good chance that you got scammed or used a SIM card. To avoid this, I recommend getting your SIM from an official office of the carrier such as Airtel or Jio.

38) Do your research before arriving at a different place.
Look up your destination on the map or chrome, get advice from other travelers or you can read the latest Lonely Planet guide book. This will help you get insider knowledge, making you more prepared to deal with the possible scams that await you.

39) Do not worry too much about getting Ripped-Off by merchants, small business people, auto drivers, taxi drivers because there are poor people’s just trying to make a living and if you overpay by a few rupees, just consider it tourist tax and show some compassion. – Mariellen Ward

Etiquette at Hindu temples


40) Bring the temple “offerings”. Whenever you go to a Hindu temple, better get some flowers before entering. You can offer these at the main statue as a sign of respect or in prayer.

41) Be sure to remove your shoes at the entrance. The safest place to leave them is at the shop where you buy flowers because they have a vested interest in making sure no one steals them because there are lots of shoe thieves around the temple’s. As a matter of fact, there is always an off chance someone will fancy your shoes, sandals, or chappal, especially if they look nice or expensive, lol.

42) Wear earplugs. The temples in India can be extremely noisy and chaotic with bells, babies screaming, people yelling, and guards pushing you through the lines. Wearing earplugs helps you low the sound and make it easier for you to enjoy the inner spiritual power that seems to pervade all temples in India.

43) meditating in an Indian temple. Find a quiet spot for meditation or simply an “eyes closed chill out session’s”. Find a quiet corner, just sit away from the chaos. You can see what happens and also feel the vibrations. I’ve had some of my best glimpses experience into “enlightenment” at the temples and this is a major reason for me to visit India. It can truly be life-changing and amazing moments that you will ever have.

44) Be inward and don’t get overwhelmed by chaos. I recommend being as inward as possible when visiting the temple. Just be quiet and simple within yourself and you’ll have the best moment experience.

45) Get the “special darshan” arranged at the temple office. Darshan means “receiving blessings from the divine or statue”. Often the lines are so long at temples that you can be standing in the hot sun for an hour or two hours or more before seeing the statue and then you’re quickly pushed out in seconds. If you go to the temple office and pay for “VIP” entry then only you can skip the line and spend more time in front of the statue. It’s well worth it and won’t cost more than a few dollars $5 to $10 but don’t give too much.

46) Have small change ready for donations (RS 10 or 20). Many people will want your money at temples and it can be a bit overwhelming so if you feel to give something then have a wad of 10 rupees or 20 rupees note ready. That you don’t hurt your budget too quickly so be careful.

47) aarti (praying) and an Indian temple. You can hire a temple guide who won’t rip you off (that much). because the temples of India are often the highlight of my trip. They are usually an ancient architectural marvel, but more importantly, a place (temple) of spiritual wonder. The etiquette can be hard to know without help from a local or guidance so I recommend you go to the “temple office” and see if there is a good English speaking guide available or agree on the price upfront and watch out for the “upsells”.

48) Stay at a hotel near the temple if you’re digging the vibes(moment). I find that a hotel right outside the temple that can be amazing because you’ll be in that “spiritual aura” all the time while you’re there and the experience will be the more long-lasting and the deeper. It also means you may be able to leave your shoes, sandals, and valuables, etc in your room which can be very convenient.

49) Authentic Indian temples gave me some of the most heart-opening experiences I have ever had. Yes it is probably going to be loud and more chaos and also people might squish up against you, also pushing your comfort zone a wee bit but if you can just be easy with the whole experience, than the spiritual power of the temples will be a highlight of your trip to INDIA. – Lyric Fergusson

How to navigate INDIAN Airport’s ?


50) Allow plenty of time to get to the airport because things can often change at the last minute like sudden traffic delays. Therefore, leave early and also make sure you get multiple opinions on how long it takes to get to the airport.

51) plane ticket checkpoint in an Indian airport. Download or Print your e-tickets or you Will not get into the airport and the military guards at the entrance to the airport will not allow you to enter unless you have a valid ID and itinerary so be careful.

52) Security will screen your bags before going up to the check-in desk. If you do not do this then you’ll be sent back and delay getting through security also be sure to line up at the correct screening machine for your airline.

53) Make sure your bags do not weigh too much: Domestic Indian flights have weight limits of 7kgs for carrying bags and 15kgs for checked bags. All bags are strictly weighed and excess baggage fees are around $6 $5 (rs360 or 300rs) per kilogram.

54) Get carry-on bag tags at the check-in: Your bags will not be given the “approval of stamp” unless you have the tags attached to each carry-on item you bought when going through security.

55) ladies frisking area in Indian airports: Security can be as annoying as hell! Remove absolutely all your electronic items including batteries and cameras also Know that women have their own line so Keep your boarding pass in your hand so that the security guard can stamp it and watch out for people pushing in line so be careful.

56) Do not trust the airport snacks or food. because most airports have snacks and food that is not safe to eat because it is been sitting for too long. Even, bring your snacks or food. only buy packaged food that you feel is okay.

57) Find your gate and wait till your flight to be called and then you should line up to catch a bus over to your plane.

58) Have your ticket ready when getting off the plane: If your flight continues on after you reach your destination so you’ll need to show your boarding pass to get off the plane.

59) Hire a pre-paid taxi from the airport to your hotel. there are always pre-paid taxi stands available which will give you a fair price from a reputable driver. If you don’t do this you’ll be swamped by a group of untrustworthy drivers screaming for your attention even asking too much for their service.

60) Researching India as solo travel is pretty scary. make way for your own experience. be amazed by the little thing that happens with you. And if the chaos or inequality overwhelms you. – Shivya Nath

How to handling money ?

handling money

61) You will need to carry cash with you. Credit cards are only accepted at larger businesses as well as hotels only. So you will always need to carry some cash that you can pay for taxis, auto-rickshaws, cheap hotels, water bottles, and your food, etc.

62) keep this in mind, Airports give poor currency exchange rates. Use an ATM instead, if that’s not possible. Only get a few thousand rupees exchanged at the airport because their rates are usually the lowest and worst in the whole country.

63) Be careful, Use a Citibank ATM to withdraw more than 10,000rs at one time. all other ATMs across India will not let you withdraw more than $150 (10,000rs). With all the fees you may have in your home country this can be quite annoying and costly. Citibank allows you to withdraw whatever your daily maximum in your home country is example $500 or more.

64) Get a fresh wad of 10 rupees note. Go to the bank and get a crispy wad of 10 rupee note’s because the 10rs note is often disgustingly used and dirty. Secondly, it’s one of the smallest denominations of money in a note, so it will be handy for everyday purchases and it’s the perfect amount for tipping. Lastly, it also helps with bargaining so that you can have an exact change.

65) Conceal your passport & money & under clothing: I’ve had pickpockets and beggars put their hand in my pocket looking for change or money. Since I keep my valuables on my chest, concealed under my clothing in a neck wallet.

66) Use PayPal or Western Union to send money to India. because some reason you need to send money to an Indian from your home country, so I recommend PayPal and Western Union.

67) Carry your cash under your clothes in a pouch. And if you are nervous, then better read it around between in your passport, wallet, or luggage. Especially don’t give people opinion to steal it. Do not walk around with expensive things hanging out of pockets or your purses. It is a good idea to have a TSA approved lock on luggage. You can pay extra attention to your belonging in airports, markets, train stations, and major tourist sites. Keep digital copies of important items such as credit cards as well as ID etc… – Anjuli Ayer

Communication advice for tourist travel in INDIA

Communication advice

68) Learn to understand the famous “head wobble”. This subtitle gesture conveys a lot of meaning depending on the degree and context, which head is wobbled. It can take some time to learn but when mastered it’s actually a very enjoyable and natural form of human communication.

69) Know that “yes” can mean “I don’t understand”. Sometimes a shopkeeper or a driver may want to please you or simply won’t understand what you’re saying so they will say “yes”. who’s been working in India for 10 years says that he doesn’t take “yes” for an answer. Keep this in mind and make sure they get you what you’re mean to say.

70) Be open to understanding the many different accents. India has 17 or more main languages and a huge range of English accents. This can lead to some difficulty comprehending someone’s words. Sometimes you may need to simply ask the person to repeat themselves or say “I don’t understand” or “say again” to gain clarity.

71) Memorize a few key phrases. You have to learn a few words of the local language because it shows you have an interest in the culture. It will almost always be very well received and help you quickly make friends, where you stay with the locals.

72) Have patience. It can be very frustrating when someone says “yes” to every question you ask or say something. Better, try to find someone who speaks better English and calmly sort through the miscommunication that may be occurring.

73) Be amused by funny communication rather than angered. You’ll have a much more enjoyable trip if you see the humor in it rather than getting annoyed and angered. These people are doing their best with a second or third language and so you can give them some compassion.

74) Indian will force you to say No or Yes. You have to travel in India with an open, Non-Judgmental, and trusting attitude or not at all. India has an amazingly mind-blowing way of mirroring back at you whatever attitude your carrying. But be cautious and not fearful. – Mariellen Ward

Transportation throughout in India


75) Indians drive on the left side of the road. Since the British influenced. The best and worst feeling, driving often may lead to seeing cars, motorbikes, and people on the wrong side of the road.

76) Ride a train at least once on your trip. Only travel in 2AC or first class and make sure you book your tickets early enough that tickets not sold out. Avoid the food they provide unless it’s been fresh and packaged.

77) Air travel is the most luxurious by far. The most comfortable and obviously fastest way to get around is by plane. website for booking domestic Indian flights and trains is

78) Buses can be good if the journey isn’t too long. They are super cheap and usually don’t have AC so its going to be hot. If the ride is more than a few hours better you go via train instead because it’s much more comfortable.

79) Traveling via an AC taxi is nice for shorter journeys if you can afford it. The taxi provides the cool AC air and comfort with the windows up but the zig-zagging can get a bit much if the trip is more than a couple of hours. If you value your life I recommend that you demand a working seat belt before you get in the taxi. Be persistent and they should be able to hook you up directly.

80) Auto rickshaw journeys are memorable : Auto rickshaw’s are great for short rides but I recommend sun glasses, ear plug and a dust mask or bandana or to avoid bombardment on the senses. it’s best to not ride one for more than 20 to 30 minutes or you will be exhausted.

81) Avoid long journeys by road. The roads in India are wildly dangerous and worst bumpy. If there is an option to get a bus, train or plane then u should take it instead. Otherwise you might get car sick or just really tired from all the insanity of weaving between head on traffic and roads.

82) India will be overwhelming at first. But slowly it will be easier things. And more you will understand it’s culture. Transportation on local sleeper trains and buses can be added to you at a stress level If you change location every 2 days. So it’s better to start slow and get to know each town you stay for at least a week. To love India you have to accept it’s flaws and open-mindedness. – Rachel Jones

Tips for better hotel experience

Better hotel

83) It’s possible to stay at $2 “el cheapo” hotels. If you’re on a real tight budget and don’t mind about basic conditions: no bedsheets, no pillow, squat toilet, and cold showers, then it’s totally possible to find a $2/night “hotel”. be careful when staying at an Airbnb.

84) It’s also possible to stay at 450$ or 500$: If you are wanting a luxury vacation than India also offers some of the best hoels experience at 5 star places like hotel taj and etc…

85) Middle range hotels is a balanced blend of price and comfort: $40 to $70 range hotels will offer western standard. Example clean sheets, hot water, clean toilet. Better doing research on TripAdvisor to get real opinions from travelers.

86) You can lock your room with an extra padlock: If you are staying at a cheap hotel it is better to use an extra padlock to add more security. Better to use a combination lock.

87) Wear Flip-Flop’s in the shower: The bathroom floors may not be clean so you use flip-flop means chappals to keep your feat hygenic. This is especially true in the lowest budget hotels or rooms.

88) Brush your teeth with bottled water: Everywhere in India water is polluted in India so it is safe to brush your teeth with bottled water.

89) Keep this in mind that cheaper hotels don’t provide towels: the $2 hotels definitely won’t give you a towel and remember middle range hotels will provide an old towel that you cant use. for this reason, bought a lightweight towel with you.

90) Be aware of your hotel locations: any kind of real estate, the location, and proximity to the tourist attraction, town, or temple can make big differences with your experience. so be close to your hotel’s wherever you visit.

91) tips your staff appropriately. when you get room service of any kind of hotel better give tips better 10 rupees or 20 rupees. if you are staying at a fancy hotel than you may tip between RS 30 or RS 50. This will help you better service and a more staff alert.

92) Squat toilets are common at budget hotels. All mid-range and above have a normal western toilet.

93) Smoking DDT at mid to high-end hotels. Mid to High hotels have mosquito management where they have a pot of burning DDT that they carry through the corridors on a daily basis. You may have to call ahead before booking a hotel to see what they do for mosquito management.

94) Sanitize the environment whenever you move into a new hotel. Sanitary wipes everything will protect you from germs. Especially faucets and switches collect gems. Also, the sheets on the hotel beds are rarely cleaned so put a light piece of silk between you and the mattress is help for protection. – Doug Rexford

How to bargain like Indian ?

Bargain in india
Bargain at shop

95) Learning to bargain like an Indian. Indian’s are the best bargainers all around the world. Indian’s are incredibly good at going for your emotions. And very comfortable with numbers too. And also know how to up sell’s things. If you want good deals. This is an essential skill that people don’t have and in fact, may help you negotiate once you will return to your home country.

96) Quickly learn to bargain. The main thing’s start out in real low and then you immediately offer a more little higher so they come to know that you wanna bargain and they can’t ripped-off you. Example:

  • I was in a shoe showroom in a city called Daman.
  • When did I ask how much a shoe was?
  • the Owner said RS 9000 (123.35 US dollar)
  • I replied RS 250.
  • He just laughs and says: no way sir
  • Me: RS 500
  • Owner: RS 7000
  • Me: RS 750
  • Owner: 6000
  • Me: Maximum RS 1000
  • Owner: RS 5000
  • Me: too much and start to leave the shop.
  • The owner freaks out and said, ok ok RS 2000 sir. this is the best price, and I have children and wife at home while standing at eh door of the shop
  • Me: ok deal

97) Find the fixed-rate shop if you don’t want to bargain. Some shop has already set its prices and that’s are generally fair.

98) You have to know that the maximum retail price is not the price tag. Most items have an MRP written on it. So remember that is the maximum retail price but try to bargain that price down but you should not pay more than that price tag.

99) Check shop around and compare prices. Making large purchases it’s better to deal with comparing prices.

100) You can ask help from some local’s friends. If you have a local friend ask him to shop with you and tell him to bargain down to rock bottom prices.

101) Have fun. The main thing is not to take things too seriously and enjoy the process otherwise it can quickly get very physically draining and emotionally.

102) The entrepreneurial abilities of Indians are amazing. Indian people produce an uncommon blend of innovative thinking, comfort with numbers, and business-minded aggression. No matter what price you pay. If the sales guy will smiling when you leave than you can guess who won the price. – Tim Ferriss

India’s pollution is the worst

india pollution
Worst pollution ever

103) Everywhere is Piles of burning plastic. there is waste management for household waste. the plastic items are swept into a pile and then set on fire.

104) Cooking fire smoke is bad. poor families of India use dried cow dung for cooking fires which can lead to excessive smoke.

105) Exhaust fumes are asphyxiating. The large cities have an absurdly a lot of vehicles and 60% of vehicles are all releasing toxic exhaust fumes.

106) Wear a gas mask or a bandana. If you have a lung problem, you should bring a quality gas mask to overcome the asphyxiating pollution problem. Bandana will work somewhat but would not be able to stop the exhaust fumes and burning plastic pollution.

107) Avoid big cities like the plague. According to WHO, New Delhi is the world’s most polluted city, and it is 2.5x more polluted than Beijing and a whopping 15x more polluted than Washington D.C. Therefore you should avoid big cities when traveling in India and be aware. Real Time Air Quality

108) Pollution is much higher in big cities. Minimize your time there and also cushion excursions between cities with a country stay. While in the country you should practice deep breathing 5 to 10 minutes a day to exercise your lungs. which is helpful for lungs purify. The ozone level will rise with sunlight. So, you should plan outdoor activities during less toxic times of the day, as well as after sunset or early mornings. Also, covering your nose and mouth with bandana or scarf can minimize breathing in toxic particles. – Peggy o’neill

Packing list for travel in India

travel Packing
Packing bag

109) Neck Wallet. I keep my credit cards and money in this pouch under my shirt. I have had beggars put their hand in my pocket.

110) Charcoal tablet’s. Incredibly effective way of stopping diarrhea and preventing dysentery. It quickly absorbs the pathogens or toxins that will kepps you strong but causing the problem. So be sure to get advice from your doctor.

111) The female Urination Device: Don’t get weirded out. Because India is a place that has a limited toilets for female urination device. And when you do find a toilet for female they are often absolutely worst and disgusting . For mens this is not a problem to pee because we can stand anywhere at the side of the road or else to pee but for women that is not possible. So this device enables women to stand and pee with no mess around you and no embarrassment for clothes.

112) Probiotics. Boost the good bacteria in your stomach. And increase natural immunity also improve digestion capability. before traveling to India, during your travels, and afterwards when you get back home.

113) India’s power adapter. After trying countless different brands, I have decided to take matters in my hands. Hero Travel Supply, sources and sells these quality power adapters that are individually tested in the USA. Every order with a corresponding free ebook which will teaches you how to avoid frying your electronics in India. I wrote this guide because power supply in India can ruin your devices because my $2000 Macbook got fried

114) Electrolytes. Will save lives. When someone has dysentery they get very dehydrated so these electrolytes will save you. Even if you don’t get sick it’s important to stay well hydrated in dry and hot, weather of india. And these satchels can easy to add to your bottled water for an extra boost of hydration.

115) First aid kit. If you’ll get a cut or some little thing that will need a first aid kit. Band-aids to help prevent infection in a wound.

116) Lifestraw: drink bottled water while traveling to India but occasionally it’s not available. In that case, LifeStraw filter which removes amoebas, all bacteria, and other pollutants in the water. It’s only $20 also doesn’t weigh much and it’s totally worth having for emergencies.

117) Travel Insurance: World Nomads is the best to travel insurance providers. In India, you will need to expect the unexpected. This travel insurance plan gives support to an emergency or belongings stolen. (This, unfortunately, happened with me. because I had no insurance and so had to replace all belongings out of my pocket).

118) Lonely Planet guide book. Get the latest India guide book before you go to India because it is like a bible that gives all the tips which are the most useful and popular locations around India.

119) Step-By-Step Guide to Travelling in INDIA: my friend wrote a 39-page ebook that shows tips for India Travel that ebook you can download for free. To help people learn how to survive, thrive, and have a more enjoyable trip to India.

120) India packing list items For your convenience.

Almond butter
Ayurvedic medicines
Band aids
Bug repellant
Camera bag
Clothes pegs
Dental Floss
Dried fruit
Feminine items (for ladies)
Hand sanitizer
Head lamp
Homepathic medicines
Lock for door
Lock for suitcase
Map of India
Mosquito net
Passport photos
Power adapter for India
Small cheap computer
Sun hat
Thermal underwear
Travel gear for baby
Treking gear (if hiking)

121) For women pack cotton scarves, hats, light, clothing that’s loose, and covers for knees and shoulders. For men pack cotton clothes, or loose t-shirt and shirt, or collared shirts are good. Indian’s have wonderful loose natural pieces of cotton. If you will carry a backpack with you while traveling overland. Then it is a good idea to carry extra duffel to pack it in for transport, and maybe take with you a steel cable lock for local train stations. And for those who will stay in a cheap hotel. – Anjuli Ayer

Advice for women for travel in India

women travel in india
Advice for women tourist

122) Speak up and say no. It is not in our female nature to be assertive or aggressive. But when you show confidence and strength. That shows people that you know what you are doing and you have less chance of being taken of advantage.

123) Dress up. India’s still a very conservative country. The heat and perpetual sweating, so make sure to carry a shawl to cover your hand’s shoulders, you should wear knee-length pants or long pants. And the tops should long enough to cover your bottom. Tight-fitting jeans and t-shirt will solicit unwanted attention and are considered disrespectful at sacred sites and temples etc.

124) Make a plan and confirm exactly where you’re heading to. Talk to your local friends, consult tour groups or guides, read Lonely Planet, or research your destinations on the Internet.

125) Avoid going out in dark at night or midnight. heading out on your own after dark unless you have a group or buddy to explore with. You will notice there are not single women out after the early evening.

126) Always travel with a group. If you going first time then definitely you should traveling to India with a group.

127) Mess with Indian women. Keep this in mind that never ever mess with a Indian women or don’t flirt with an Indian women because Indian family keep their daughter, mother and sister too privately and women in their house is a respect of their family. so keep this in mind and don’t flirt.

128) Put a ring on. If locals find out that you are not married, be prepared for a lot of feedback. You should wear a simple band around your finger to keep unwanted questions or feedback and interest at bay.

129) India will cut to the core of your soul also overwhelm your senses in a way like no other place on worldwide. Not be the easiest country to navigate alone, but it will be the one most life-transforming experiences you will ever have. You should keep your mind and heart open and with a good sense of humor, then i can guarantee this is a destination you would not want to miss out. – Rohini Grace

Understand the culture of India

india culture
Indian Culture

130) India has the second largest population on earth. According to 2011 census. it is now over 1.2 billion and growing incredibely more fast. It is the 31st most densely populated nation with 991 people per square-mile. Also It is the oldest continuous civilization on the planet.

131) India’s world’s largest democracy. Independent of the British occupation in 1947 and considered a federal parliamentary constitutional republic.

132) There are over 17 or more languages. Sanskrit is an ancient language and it’s the mother of all the European languages. Luckily for us, English is spoken almost everywhere. The fact is, India is extremely culturally diverse and like a collection of countries rather than one country. Where ever you visit language is different. it is helpful to learn a few phrases of the local language.

133) The religion Hinduism at over 79.8%. Even though Islam is 14.2%, Christianity 2.3%, Sikhism 1.7%, Buddhism 0.7%, Jainism 0.4%, Unaffiliated 0.2% and others 0.7% in India.

134) India’s world’s largest religious pilgrimage site. Approximately 30,000 people visit The Vishnu Temple in Tirupati every day and there is 12000 temple staff. The annual donations exceed $100 million dollars!

135) Railway system’s vast. The best way to get around in India is on trains. Originally set up by the British in 1853. The employs of Indian Railways is about 1.5 million. The largest employers in the world. And, 18 million people travel on trains everyday.

136) GDP and per capita income. The International Money Fund of the Indian GDP is $7,996.623 Billions and per capita income is $2,308.018 billions annually.

137) Hundreds of millions of Indians live on less than $2/ day. Such as 27% of the Indian population live below the poverty line. India has the 4th highest number of billionaires at 90.

138) Cricket is a popular sport. It is like baseball. In India, you’ll see kids and adults both playing the sport together every day.

139) Guests like God. In India, it is an honor to have a guest. This is because they have a beautiful proverb that says “Atithi Devo Bhava” means “the guest is equivalent to God”.

140) People are so friendly and genuine. I met some of the generous and most kind-hearted people during my travels to India. These people didn’t have much money also welcomed me into their homes and spoiled me with the most delicious/tasty food I have ever had in my entire life.

141) Spirituality / religion thrives. Every corner of the street some statue or place of worship I saw. The power and history of the land are so strong.

142) Indian people try to offer amazing services they can. India’s known for being a service-oriented culture because Indian people work hard to please. Sometimes the quality of the service may not be ideal but their effort is almost always there.

143) Color creates everywhere. Indian people love colorful things. The food, clothing, or houses, wherever you look, you will be overwhelmed by the beautiful arrays and different colors.

144) Resourceful and ingenuity. The streets you will find the most resourcefulness. People carrying a bed sheet or frame, glass on the back of a motorcycle, back on truck.

145) India’s most peaceful. In fact, India has been never invaded to another country in at least 1000 years. India has been invaded countless times by other countries. The crime rate is absolutely lower than the United State and if you avoid big cities you will feel very safe.

146) Some of the best food in worldwide. It depends on your taste but the unbelievable diversity of textures and flavors, presentation and colors of the food can be a divine experience. Many dishes take hours upon hours to prepare dish ready and if you have a sweet tooth I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

147) Chaos is everywhere you go. Almost all road rules like red lights and everything else will be ignored [ I _U_KING LOVE IT]. The streets are bustling with kids and adults, livestock, and all kind of vehicles you can think of all tooting their horns and beeps.

148) Personal space. If you’re looking at photos on your camera, you should lining up to catch a bus or you can just stand on the street there is a high possibility someone will approach you or comes a bit closer for comfort. With over a billion’s people in a relatively small space, this is not surprising and it is not culturally rude.

149) The caste system exists. It is composed of priests, Brahmins, warriors, Kshatriyas, merchants, Vaishyas & workers, Shudras. This division seems to cause discrimination between the caste and you can get confusing without knowing the in’s and out’s.

150) Animals get abuse except for cows. a cat, chicken, dog, an ox. animal abuse in India can be shocking and seems to be everywhere. It’s a conundrum as to why this happens especially. since India is the birthplace of the concept of Ahimsa or non-violence. The one animal that is largely exempt from this abuse is the cow because it holds particular importance in the Hindu religion. You will see cows eating trash or waste food which is a different kind of abuse.

151) Everyone will definitely try to get your money so be aware. 100 of millions of Indians are living on less than $2 per day so the struggle for survival is a real issue. The main thing’s to have your wits about yourself and be compassionate but I will advise you not to give money to beggars till you feel emotional or the truly needed one.

152) staring. It doesn’t seem to be rude to stare in India. You’ll find it can be overwhelming at times but ignore it. Sometimes I used to pretend that I’m a celebrity or a superman and then it is amazing and novelty than a problem.

153) Lying / bending the truth. It may be communication difficulties but Indians don’t have a problem with lying. If it is a shop owner or a taxi driver. There is a good chance that will bend the truth or lie if it helps them make a sale. you try to get informed beforehand and ask the right question, ones that can’t be simply answered by “yes”.

154) Spitting :). A lot of men use chewing pan or tobacco or SUPARI. There is a lot of spitting on the street. Many women also do not have a problem spitting when they need to.

155) Trash and littering. Littering is a bad thing and the streets act as open trash cans. The trash piles up and the solution is normally to set it on fire. so bring a dust mask to help breathe.

156) DON’T be shy when asking someone’s a question.

157) DON’T drink alcohol in public.

158) DON’T get angry in public.

159) DON’T give money to children or beggars.

160) DON’T give someone an too expensive gift.

161) DON’T point your feet or hand at a person.

162) DON’T shake hands unless they will do first.

163) DON’T show anger or frustration in public.

164) DON’T smell flowers or anything in a temple or shop.

165) DON’T take pictures in church or temples.

166) DON’T touch the opposite sex.

167) DON’T use your left hand to pass food, Use right one.

168) DON’T wear skirts, bikini or shorts.

169) DO be patient and have a sense of humor.

170) DO be prepared to have your photo taken.

171) DO bring a small gift if you stay at a home.

172) DO have an open mind and heart.

173) DO know that 1 minute means 5 to 10 minutes.

174) DO learn to understand the “head wobble”.

175) DO make friends with the locals and be aware of them.

176) DO only use your right hand while eating, bad manner to eat with a left hand.

177) DO remove your shoes outside at peoples home.

178) DO handshake with someone you respect and who is knowing you.

179) DO try to pay if at restaurants with Indians.

180) DO wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.

181) DO wear Indian clothes at special occasions.

182) Respect the culture wherever you go or wherever you are. Respecting the culture and everything includes behavior or dressing as much as possible in accordance with local standards. It will really make a huge difference in how you are received things. If you will a disrespectful attitude with everything means you will miss the best moment that India has offered to you. – J.D Viharini

Why you should travel India ?

travel to taj mahal
Travel India

183) Experience of a lifetime. i can guaranted you will see lots of the most crazy sights of your life which id different and amazing and crazy. If you’re open you’ll meet some of the nicest and amazing people on Globally and also your heart will expand. Every time i went to India my life improves for the better experienece and my mind and heart gets broadened with experience.

184) Mind blowing history. India’s the oldest civilization in globally. The famous ancient also yet and it is so beautiful. You will feel the history in the mother-land.

185) Best and unique food you will ever had. I had the best food ever while traveling India. Which serves with amazing flavors and a care with unique preparation.

186) The spiritual power. India’s known for being the capital of meditaion and yoga. There are many illustriopus saints of this knowledge. The namely Amma, Anandmayi maa, Brahmananda saraswati, Buddha, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Raam and shankara.

187) Discover the cultural diversity. An incredible mosaic of cultural differences that also exist in peaceful unity in whole India. Which is mind-blowing and delightful experience to travel north India through Maharashtra state at Kanyakumari. The diversity of dress, language, food, customs and landscapes are limitless.

188) Endless things you will see. The jam packed with sight and experience that exist no where else except India. From the Beaches of kerala, Himalayas around Uttar Kashi, Tiger reserve at bandhavgarh and the Taj Mahal that won’t be let you down.

189) Celebrate festival’s in Indian style. There are 36 most famous festival which comes every single months and some are come twice or thrre times in a month

190) Diwali. The Festival of lights and the most important holiday in the Hindu calendar. Which define with loud fireworks, wild parties and a extra pollution

191) Holi. The Festival of love and colors. Holi define’s thrown colored powder to each other and also dont mind if you are wearing a new clothes and people enjoy it’s fun.

192) The festival of Durga puja. The celebration of victory over evil. The great spiritual experience.

193) The harvest festival namely Onam. Celebrated at Kerala that people wear a new clothes and admire with the beautiful flower arrangements outside peoples homes.

194) Raksha Bandhan. Which define protection between sister’s and brother’s called festival of love. Sister’s Tie a string around their brothers wrist to show your love.

195) Maha Shivaratri that define’s The great night of Lord Shiva. People Celebrating convergence of shiva’s and shakti marriage. They believe that two fundamental energies in the universe.

196) Christmas. Celebrating the birth of Jesus. They have their own defferent style of celebrating christman which is fun

197) Relax and chill-out. India is an incredible place to be pampered, chill-out and relax. India’s healthcare system known as ayurveda offers. The amazing treatments rejuvenation and massage techniques. You can find ayurvedic health spa and have fun which will be amazing.

198) Bargain until the cows come home. India has amazing shopping opportunities not because of the great price but because of the unique items. There is a good reason why the Dutch East India Trading Company had too many trips to India because this holds true to this day.

199) You can help their economy. Going to India will help boosting their economy of tourism is a major part. In India there are so many people living below the poverty line. You can help them even with a small way i can guaranted that you will feels emotionally Amazing which will make you happily cry coz i have an amazing experience.

200) First time in India, Don’t arrive on a short visit like 1 or 2 weeks. If you are planning to travel in India, atleast give it a six weeks or a month. And if you can not give so much time. Then i recommend stick to any one region of your choice to make the best moment of your visit. – Arun Bhat

201) This is India. The land of romance, love and dreams, of fabulous poverty and wealth, of rags and splendor, of hovels and palaces, of pestilence and famine, of Aladdin lamps, Genie or giants, of elephants and tigers, of cows and goat, the jungle and the cobra, the country of a hundred tongues and a thousand nation’s of country, two millions of god and a thousand of religions, birthplace of a human speech and a cradle of the human race, a mother of history and a grand-mother of the legends also a grand-mother of the tradition.

Who was yesterday bear date with moldering antiquities of the rest of nations, the one sole country under the sun and moon that’s endowed with an imperishable interest for alien peasant and alien prince, for ignorant and lettered, fool and wise, poor and rich, free and bond. The one and only land where all men desire to see, by even a glimpse, wouldn’t give that glimpse for the shows of all the rest of the globe combined. – Twain Mark

Services for Travelling in India


Contact us for more information you need to travel in India or ask us whatever questions you have. We will appreciate it and feel good to answer your question. Visit Again

Written by Zakariya Daman

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