
Loki on Disney+ smashes all records for a Marvel series

Loki tv series on Disney+ - xplorely

Loki just smashed all records for a Marvel series on Disney +. The show, which features Thor’s enemy brother, had a better launch than WandaVision or Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The success of the first episode confirms the growing popularity of Marvel productions among Disney + subscribers.


Disney+ uploaded the first episode of Loki, its third series taking place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The production follows the adventures of a character beloved by fans of the franchise within the multiverse. Carried by a fit Tom Hiddleston, Loki quickly received a shower of enthusiastic reviews.

According to data collected by Samba TV, a popular recommendation engine in the United States. The first episode of the series has already been watched by 890,000 American households. This is “the largest audience recorded in the United States for one of Marvel’s Disney + shows,” said the Samba TV report, relayed by Deadline.

Indeed, Loki is off to a better start than previous Marvel Studios productions: WandaVision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The first episode of the series focused on Wanda Maximoff is viewed by 655,000 households, against 759,000 households for the show focused on the legacy of Captain America.

Loki Scores Better launch than Wandavision and Falcom and the Winter Soldier.

Of course, Loki’s success comes as no surprise. Since his appearance in the Thor trilogy initiated in 2011, the god of mischief has established himself as one of the fan-favorite characters of the MCU. This popularity is notably due to the excellent acting performance of Tom Hiddleston, which brings nuance and complexity to Odin’s adopted son.

Also according to Samba TV, the figures recorded by Loki confirm the growing popularity of the Marvel Studios series. “Obviously, the growing number of households who go online on the first day proves that the Marvel Disney + series are gaining momentum,” says Samba TV.

As a reminder, Disney + will broadcast the second episode of Loki on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. In the meantime, feel free to give your opinion on the season premiere of the series in the comments below.

Written by Xplorely

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